After admission, your pet will be examined by a veterinarian, and their medical records will be reviewed. An anesthetic protocol will be created to ensure a safe and smooth dental procedure and recovery, and your pet will be given a sedative to alleviate stress. A breathing tube will be placed into the trachea, and general anesthesia will be administered while your pet is prepped.
Depending on the type of procedure, your pet may be prepped with a short shave or surgical scrub and connected to anesthetic monitors. Oxygen levels, heart rate, respiratory rate, and temperature will be monitored throughout the procedure. A blanket warmer will be placed with your pet to keep them comfortable. A technician will monitor your pet during the entire procedure, post-dental care, and throughout the day.
Most of our dental patients go home the same day at their scheduled discharge time. Keep your pet in a quiet, comfortable, dry, and stress-free location when they return home. At the discharge appointment, you will receive specific instructions based on your pet’s procedure.
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